Brivio Compensati has been producing its panels from poplar wood since the ‘30s: this is a conscious choice from which the company has never strayed, because poplar wood is strong, lightweight and very workable. But poplar also offers envronmental benefits, helping to improve the air and the soil and preventing soil erosion. In addition, using poplar wood prevents tropical forests being cleared: let’s not forget that poplar trees are grown with harvest cycles of around ten years.
75% of the raw materials used by Brivio Compensati is sourced in Italy, from poplar tree plantations on the Po Plain, not far from the company’s headquarters, while the remaining 25% comes from France.
“We still firmly believe that poplar is the best choice”, explains Attilio Brivio,“and we’ve invested accordingly. In recent years the economic crisis has led, unfortunately, to a shortage of this raw material: with the drop in the price of poplar wood, many farmers simply didn’t plant new trees. We took a pro-active approach by forming collaborations with farmers, reaffirming our faith in our long-standing suppliers and extending the terms of purchase to one full year. This enables us to offer our clients guaranteed delivery of materials in the future too, giving us greater peace of mind which we can, in turn, pass on to our clients“.